Hoshizaki DCM-500BAH-OS Opti-Serve Countertop Ice Maker and Water Dispenser - 40 lb. Storage Air Cooled

Availability: Available


Product Overview

  • Produces up to 618 lb. of “cubelet” ice per day and stores up to 40 lb.
  • H-Guard Plus antimicrobial agent adds further protection against cross contamination
  • Cleancycle24 2 second rinse every hour to wash away impurities and minerals, making your ice clean
  • LED remote sensor and sealed housing
  • Dispenses ice and water; 115V

$168.12 Lease a Month
$188.74 Rent a Month
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Hoshizaki DCM-500BAH-OS Details

Dispense both water and ice from the same unit with this Hoshizaki DCM-500BAH-OS air cooled countertop ice maker and water dispenser! This unit can produce up to 618 lb. of easy to chew “cubelet” ice per day and holds 40 lb. of ice in its storage bin. Additionally, a LED remote sensor allows for hands-free operation along with sealed LED housing that prevents moisture from entering the unit and possibly causing an electrical short.

An integrated CleanCycle feature performs a 15-minute purge every 12 hours in order to rid itself of impurities found within the water, making this unit safe for consumption no matter what time of day it is most frequented. A set of four legs (sold separately) keep the appliance raised above the countertop to avoid messes. A durable, corrosion-resistant stainless steel exterior will allow for years of high volume use, while the self-contained design also reduces opportunities for cross contamination.

For added protection, this unit is outfitted with an H-Guard Plus antimicrobial agent and uses R-404A refrigerant. The removable air filter provides effortless and sanitary cleaning. The DCM-500BAH-OS requires a 115V electrical connection.

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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

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Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019

Lease for $155.52/month

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