Polar Temp VT400AD Auto Defrost Low Profile Outdoor Ice Merchandiser - 40 cu. ft.

Availability: Available

Product Overview

  • Holds up to 120 eight lb. bags of ice
  • 40 cubic feet capacity
  • Slanted front with dual, self-closing aluminum doors

$90.57 Lease a Month
$107.11 Rent a Month
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Polar Temp VT400AD Details

Thanks to its low profile design, this Polar Temp VT400AD 40 cubic foot slant front outdoor ice merchandiser gives your customers a clear view of window signs or merchandise displays in your store front. Three inches of thick, foamed in place CFC-free polyurethane insulation in its floor and ceiling, and two inches in its sidewalls make the Polar Temp VT400AD the best insulated outdoor ice merchandiser in the industry!

Its two, self-closing aluminum doors feature magnetic gaskets that lock in the merchandiser’s temperature and ensure customers at your convenience store, beer distributor, or super market never get a melting bag of ice.

The outdoor ice merchandiser’s forced air cooling system has a 1/4 hp compressor and uses eco-friendly R-448A refrigerant to maintain proper cabinet temperatures.

A heavy-duty white polyester finish protects the Polar Temp VT400AD slant front outdoor ice merchandiser against years of abuse under the harshest conditions.

Overall: 72″W x 35″D x 49″H
Solid Doors: 27″W x 27″H

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Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.

John Doe - April 3, 2019

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eget facilisis odio. Duis sodales augue eu tincidunt faucibus. Etiam justo ligula, placerat ac augue id, volutpat porta dui.

Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.

Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019

Lease for $90.57/month

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