Scotsman B948S Ice Storage Bin - 893 lb.

Availability: Available

Product Overview

  • Removable Baffle makes it easy to clean, no tools required
  • Unique rear located, recessed drain for simple install and cleaning
  • Corrosion resistant metallic finish
  • Spring loaded door with hidden hinges for easy opening and closing
  • 6” legs, Ice scoop and built in scoop holder

$74.66 Lease a Month 1860
$90.36 Rent a Month
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Scotsman B948S Details
The Scotsman B948S ice storage bin is a tough, durable solution to ice storage that is rated to hold up to 893 lb. of ice. A perfect match to the Prodigy line of ice cubers, this 48″ bin features a sleek design that will blend in with your establishment while holding all the ice you need.

This lightweight bin is made of polyethylene and durable rotocast plastic that is safe and sanitary to use with your ice. The interior insulation is made with polyurethane pressed between the outer wall and the liner to maintain your supply of ice for a long time. The liner itself, made from polyethylene, is easily cleaned and resistant to scuffs and dents from ice or ice scoops to keep your ice bin in great condition for as long as possible.

Built with a removable baffle, you don’t need any tools to clean this ice bin. The spring loaded door with hinges for easy opening and closing as well as the built-in ice scoop holder make it easy to use this ice bin.

– Includes a recessed drain for easy installation

– Made of corrosion-resistant material

– Includes an ice scoop

– .75 NPT bin drain

Overall Dimensions:
Width: 48″
Depth: 34″
Height: 50″

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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.

Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019

Lease for $74.66/month

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