Scotsman CU0515GA-1 15" Air Cooled Undercounter Gourmet Cube Ice Machine - 84 lb.

Availability: Available

Product Overview

  • Produces up to 84 lb. of ice per day and stores up to 24 lb.
  • Gourmet ice is slow-melting and ideal for mixed drinks
  • 15″ wide for tight spaces

$93.45 Lease a Month 3300
$110.15 Rent a Month
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The Scotsman CU0515GA-1 air cooled undercounter ice machine will meet the ice demands of your restaurant, bar, or cafe!

With an innovative design and minimized footprint, this ice machine will deliver on your expectations for ice production time and time again. It maintains the capability to produce up to 84 lb. of gourmet ice cubes per day with 24 lb. of storage, so you’ll be able to keep your beverages cold and your customers refreshed.


Crystal-Clear Ice Cubes
Thanks to its innovative evaporator, this unit produces full-sized, crystal-clear gourmet ice cubes that measure 1″ x 1 1/8″ x 1 1/4″. The size and longevity of these gourmet cubes make them ideal for re-icing glasses. Their non-stick and slow-melting qualities make scooping a breeze.

Compact Size
This self-contained ice machine is ideal for operators with limited space. Its compact design allows it to be placed in tight locations, while its door slides up instead of swinging to the left or right, so you can easily access the ice bin without having to plan for which way your door will swing.

Intuitive Controls
Its intuitive, accessible control panel allows you to quickly switch your machine on or off. It also features a light that will alert you when it’s time for cleaning.

Included Ice Scoop
Its access area accommodates a large, dishwasher-safe scoop that will cut down on the trips you have to make back and forth from the ice machine to the beverage area.

Efficient Operation
The Scotsman CU0515 undercounter ice cuber features an energy saving system that optimizes cycle efficiency and ice quality while reducing energy consumption.

Durable, Sturdy Construction
You’ll receive an ice machine that will perform for years to come. This unit features a durable and easy-to-clean stainless steel construction that’s also corrosion resistant. It utilizes adjustable 4 11/16″ legs for level support in any environment, and they also allow you to clean underneath.

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John Doe - April 3, 2019

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Anna Kowalsky - April 3, 2019

Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.

Peter Wargner - April 3, 2019

Lease for $80.86/month

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