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Add a reliable, easy to use, and space efficient ice machine to your operation with this Scotsman UN324A-1 24″ air cooled undercounter nugget ice machine!
Stylish and practical, this Scotsman UN324A-1 24″ nugget ice machine makes for a great space-saving addition to your commercial establishment. A perfect choice for making the most efficient use of limited storage space, this undercounter ice machine stays out of your way while ensuring that cold ice is still easy to access, leaving both your team and customers satisfied. This air cooled machine runs on R-134a refrigerant and requires a 115V electrical connection for operation.Compact Design
At 39″ tall with a 24″ x 28 1/2″ footprint, this compact Scotsman ice machine provides the ideal height to allow it to be stored under your average countertop space without sacrificing quantity. The machine is capable of producing 340 lb. of flake ice per day, while storing a total of 80 lb. in its internal storage compartment.
Durable Construction
Featuring a sturdy plastic construction, this ice machine is built to stand up to the demands of frequent use in your commercial establishment. The door glides back into the machine when opened to compensate for lack of vertical space underneath counters, and protecting it from damage while in use.
Nugget Ice
This Scotsman undercounter ice machine produces up to 340 lb. of soft, chewable nugget ice per day. Nugget ice displaces more liquid than cubed ice to lower syrup costs per cup in mixed drinks and fountain beverages.
Easy to Operate
With a simple and intuitive control panel, this ice machine is easy enough for even your newest employees to operate. The control is equipped with on, off, and clean switches, as well as ice thickness and a harvest time adjustment. The machine produces crystal-clear cubes with a horizontal evaporate that uses spray jets to remove impurities.
Adjustable Height
This model comes with (4) 6″ adjustable plastic legs with flat telescoping feet. This gives you the ability to make slight height adjustments to fit under your particular counter space.
Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eget facilisis odio. Duis sodales augue eu tincidunt faucibus. Etiam justo ligula, placerat ac augue id, volutpat porta dui.
Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.